Usted acepta que la compra de nuestros productos o servicios está sujeta a su propia interpretación y no pretende ser un sustituto de ningún servicio legal, financiero, psiquiátrico o médico. PARA CURIO SOLAMENTEDescargo de responsabilidad legal: La ley establece que los hechizos, lecturas y Paranormal son para fines de entretenimiento. De esta manera vuestra petición es entregada con reverencia para ser escuchada y tratada bajo la gracia divina.ĭIMENSIONES DEL TARRO: 8" DE ALTO X 2-1/2" DIÁMETROĮNVÍO POR CORREO PRIORITARIO - TODOS LOS TERRITORIOS, APO'S. Cuando se enciende la vela el exquisito luz que emite, ayuda a elevar las vibraciones que conecta con las fuerzas superiores. Cualquier persona que desee orar por una solicitud especial para una cuestión de salud, amor, prosperidad, protección o buena suerte, se beneficiará mucho de esta vela. Las velas aromáticas son una conexión directa con el Mundo Espiritual. We accept No liability or responsibility for any paranormal activity that may or may not occur due to the use of our products or services. You agree that the purchase of our products or services is subject to your own interpretation and is not intended as a substitute for any legal, financial, psychiatric and or medical services. Legal disclaimer: Law states that Spells, Readings and Paranormal are for entertainment purposes. This way your request is delivered with reverence to be heard and dealt with under the divine grace. The candle emits strong light from quality wick, that helps raise the vibrations that connects with the Superior forces. Any person who wishes to pray for a special request to break and reverse curses or spells, will highly benefit from this candle. her devotees petition her help when they require assistance in taking charge of a difficult situation or when you want total control over a person or a situation.Īromatic candles are a direct connection with the spiritual world. Martha Dominator is the patron Saint of housewives and service workers. Saint Martha the Dominator 7 day Cocktail Candle GreenSanta Marta la Dominadora Vela Compuesta Verde

St Martha Dominator 7 Day Cocktail Candle Santa Marta Dominadora Vela Compuesta: Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. DÍA NOVENOOh santa marta dominadora, digna y querida de Dios, con gran suerte te encontraste, cuando entraste al monte tabon, con el cinto de la madre de Dio. When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission.

The questions are legitimate, so are the answers and will cover many subjects. NOVENA DE LOS NUEVE MARTES A SANTA MARTA (CADA MARTES SE HACE ESTA ORACIÓN) Por la señal de la Santa Cruz, de nuestros enemigos, líbranos Señor, Dios nuestro.

If not, then remember what you send out can come back to "bite" you. - Santa Marta Milagrosa Facebook Santa Marta Milagrosa Janu I am neither a white practitioner, nor dark not even grey, I use them for what I feel is for the best and highest good. I am passing this information on to those who are serious about learning the magikal workings. I am well past 70 and this is information that was taught to me and that I learned. I've had psychic abilities all my life and was slowly educated to handling it from the time I was 4 years old by my Grandmother. I will also answer legitimate questions from other interested readers. I chose the name "Voodoo Queen" as a joke, because of a song that came out in the late 1960's. La novena en honor a Santa Marta Dominadora es una ofrenda muy eficaz cuando tenemos situaciones en las que la afliccin que nos afecta tiene razn en problemas del amor y no logramos reponer nuestra tranquilidad, si ofrendamos nuestro corazn ella nos retribuir como protectora de nuestro noviazgo y relacin amorosa y los negocios.
#Novena de santa marta dominadora series
This Blog is a series of postings, of questions and answers between my self the Voodoo Queen and her Students or other interested persons.